Critical Dance reviews Broken Theater
Dance performances are like a box of chocolates: unless you’ve seen it before, you never know what you’re going to get.
Broken Theater, a dance/ theater production conceived and directed by Bobbi Jene Smith, ended its run at the Ellen Stewart Theater at LA Mama ETC. in the East Village (one of many presentations during the La Mama Moves! Dance Festival) the day after I attended its sold-out Saturday matinee performance. So it’s no longer available to see. But before the performance I overheard several people saying that negotiations were underway to move it to Broadway or Off-Broadway. I don’t know whether that’s true or just wishful thinking, but if it happens, get a ticket. Broken Theater is one of the most unusual dance/ theater productions I’ve see, and one of the finest. Simply put, it’s a work of astonishing creativity, audacity, and genius.